Last week I left off with our film production being halted due to a few technological issues. Four of our video files would not transfer to our editing software, which is understandably a production halting complication. But now I am elated to announce that during our last class meeting Eric Dietz was able to resolve our compatibility issues. Apparently, the three troublesome video files were of a configuration that was unrecognizable by our editing software. I have no inclination as to why only four files were of the wrong format but nonetheless our hindering issue was resolved.
So we thought…
Elizabeth contacted me a few days back notifying me that a couple of the files, our first and last scene, were MISSING! (For everyone’s information, our first and last scenes are by far the most important. The film would be incoherent without their presence.) But before I had time to conjure up any unneeded angst, Elizabeth explained that she had already done a bit of detective work and tracked down the missing shots. From my understanding, the two files were still on the camera’s tape, un-digitized. What a place for them to be! I was just relieved that they weren’t fortuitously lost in one of the many file transfers. Having to reshoot scenes this late in the production would have been a distressing calamity. Elizabeth said she had already contacted Eric Dietz to schedule a meeting so that we could rightfully lay claim to our missing footage …
Other than this minor episode Elizabeth sounded pleased with the current editing developments. I found this to be relieving because I will soon be working with the film since I am now the sound editor (although initially being a visual co-editor). Last class meeting the group met and decided that instead of having two video editors we should have one to ensure that a consistent editing footprint is maintained throughout the film. Elizabeth and I found this to be an excellent idea so we agreed that she could be the visual editor and I would be the sound editor. Lennon, who was initially the sound editor, had already spent an extensive amount of time acting in the film as well as aiding in the production. Thus we decided she had already fulfilled her production obligations and that I would fill the sound editing position.
So for now, I wait to introduce the magic of sound! Although this will be my last blog, I hope everyone has enjoyed this semester as much as I have. When the film is finished I will try to post it on YouTube and list the link here.
Just wanted to say thanks for all of your great effort man.